“MTsN 1 Pati Bersholawat” with Habib Ali Zainal Abidin Assegaf, Attended by Thousands of Participants


Pati – Habib Ali Zainal Abidin Assegaf with the Hadroh Azzahir Group from Pekalongan, Central Java, was the most anticipated at “MTsN 1 Pati Bersholawat”. Thousands of Rasulullah lovers flocked the Pekalongan Village field on Saturday, 26 August 2023.

Moreover Habib Mahdi from Jepara, Habib Abdullah bin Jufri from Solo, Acting Head of the Ministry of Religion of Pati Regency, Winong District officials, Village Head and staffs, MTsN 1 Pati fighters and local villagers, Madrasah’s Friends, alumnae, and the whole MTsN 1 Pati family was invited as well.

The grand sholawat assembly runs solemnly. Those present were immersed in the chanting of the poems of praise to the Prophet sung by the Ulama who is familiar with the title Bib Bidin. With his trademark voice, he was able to hypnotize anyone who hears it. What’s interesting is in the midst of MTsN 1 Pati Bersholawat, Bib Bidin also distributed prizes to students and teachers who could answer questions from him.

After the event, MTsN 1 Pati’s Kerren Journalism Team had a special opportunity to have a short interview with Bib Bidin.

“Incredible, great, enthusiastic, solemn, and Masyaa Allah the enthusiasm is very passionate. I thought because it was MTs, most of the participants must be the students and only a few because the program was in the morning until noon, it turned out that MTsN 1 Pati was outstanding. Great enthusiasm,” Bib Bidin’s impression when doing sholawat at MTsN 1 Pati.

He said, by praying in praise of Allah’s Beloved, of course, one can foster love for the Messenger of Allah and automatically, people will follow the way of sunnah, and the footsteps of the Prophet.

“With sholawat, hopefully all the students and female students will have better worship, better morals, and apply the knowledge gained at the school in a good and right way,” he said.

Bib Bidin emphasized that studying is not only to get a diploma, not only to please parents, and not only to get busy. However, studying knowledge is in order to have a guide to live in this world and be safe in the hereafter.

At this precious moment full of blessings, he also gave a message as well as a prayer for the students of MTsN 1 Pati.

“Therefore, keep studying enthusiastically, respect your teacher, follow your school rules, and make good of what you have learned at school. With that, Insya Allah, all students at MTsN 1 Pati will hopefully become leaders who are fair, wise, who believe in Allah and can carry out their duties well in this world and the hereafter,” Bib Bidin advised.

Ali Musyafak, Headmaster of MTsN 1 Pati, conveyed expressions of gratitude full of emotion for the success of this grand sholawat assembly.

“Subhanallah walhamdulillah, which of the favors of your Lord would you deny?” he continued.

“Indeed, Allah’s mercy is always close. Remember, actually Allah’s grace is very close, “continued Syafak.

He said, the presence of Habib Ali Zainal Abidin Assegaf with his Azzahir was a great blessing given by God to the large family of MTsN 1 Pati, whose blessings were visibly increasing day by day.

“This is a beautiful, extraordinary activity/practice that is loved by Allah and the Messenger of Allah, which is certainly worth the afterlife. So don’t be tarnished with bad intentions thus it will bear fruit as a world practice, a big loss for us,” said Syafak.

Syafak said that the main purpose of MTsN 1 Pati holding this grand sholawat assembly is simply to hope for Allah’s grace, the Prophet’s intercession, and Waliyullah’s blessings so that the madrasa he leads will always be fortunate and in the end be delighted in the world and the hereafter.

“Thank you to all parties who have made this grand event a success, especially to the organizers, the Kapolsek, Babinsa, the Village Head and all its residents. And last but not least all the guardians of students and lovers of MTsN 1 Pati, I hope Allah will reward you with multiples,” said Syafak.

Diambil dari berita “Ribuan Pecinta Rasulullah Padati MTsN 1 Pati Bersholawat Bersama Habib Ali Zainal Abidin Assegaf, Pekalongan, Jateng”.(Athi/Sua)

Translator: Miss Nia